Join the Herkimer County Historical Society for the Book Talk: American Community by Mark Ferrara
Explore the rich history of intentional communities in America with Mark Ferrara’s thought-provoking discussion.
When: October 30, 2024 at 6 pm
Where: Historical Society Eckler Building At 406 N. Main St, Herkimer
Mainstream notions of the “American Dream” usually revolve around the ownership of private property, a house of one’s own. Yet for the past 400 years, a large number of Americans have dared to dream bigger and bolder, choosing to live in intentional communities with pooled resources, and they worked to ensure the well-being of all their members.
In this thought-provoking and captivating book, Mark Ferrara leads readers on a journey through intentional communities that courageously defied capitalist economic systems in pursuit of harmony, equality, and social justice. By uncovering these overlooked histories, he demonstrates that communitarianism and socialism are not foreign ideologies but have long been integral to the American experience.