Meditation with Trees At the Old Forge Library
Meditation with Trees takes place from 3:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at the Old Forge Library located at 220 Crosby Road, Old Forge, NY.
Meditation with Trees is an outdoor workshop scheduled for Thursday, August 15 at 3 pm at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd.
Participants will learn about the wonderful healing benefits of quietly being and connecting with trees and Mother Earth. Trees are known to symbolize wisdom, stability, shelter, growth and renewal. In the workshop, several techniques for meditating with trees will be discussed, and participants will leave the workshop knowing how to appreciate and connect with their favorite trees.
The workshop leader, Doug Davis leads meditation and nature workshops at the Library several times a year, and participants have been very positive, often returning to give themselves time out to connect with trees on the library grounds. Another Meditation with Trees Workshop is scheduled for October 3rd. Registration is appreciated, but walk-ins will be welcomed. Register by calling the library 315-369-6008 or email oldforge@midyork.org. Like all Old Forge Library programs, there is no fee, and all are welcome.