“Montgomery County, nestled in the heart of the Mohawk Valley, is home to ten towns, one city and just over 50,000 residents. Located at the foot of the Adirondacks, this Leatherstocking region is filled with beautiful countryside, including numerous parks and recreation facilities.” – Montgomery County, NY

In 1784, following the end of the American Revolutionary War, the European-American settlers renamed Tryon County as Montgomery County. This change was to honor the general, Richard Montgomery, who had captured several places in Canada and died in 1775 attempting to capture the city of Quebec during the Revolutionary War. – Wikipedia

Montgomery County Updates

Explore Montgomery County

Click on the items below to go to additional resources.

  • Government

    Montgomery County government links and information helpful for residents and visitors.

  • Kanatsiohareke Mohawk Community

    Dating back as early as the 12th century, the Mohawk Valley has been home to the Kanienkehaka (“People of the Flint or Mohawk), who are themselves members of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations or Haudenosaunee (Longhouse), and it was the conflicts that took place in the 1700’s which came with the European peoples that sent the Kanienkehaka from their lands; their villages and the resting places of their ancestors.

    But our people always knew that there would come a day when we would return to the Mohawk Valley, and this prophesy was foretold many times throughout the decades, which turned into centuries.  Then in the 1990’s, while in the midst of troubled times, when many people were suffering the devastating effects of alcohol and all the problems that come with it, a new path was cleared for our return to this place where our ancestors lay to rest.  A new hope was realized in the hearts and minds of our elders who saw a path back to our home.

  • Frequently asked questions

    Visit the county’s FAQ page for frequently asked questions regarding government services and agencies.

  • Fulton Montgomery Community College

    Fulton-Montgomery Community College is located on 195 acres in the foothills of the beautiful Adirondack Mountains between Albany and Utica, NY. FM is dedicated to providing students with a quality education in an environment that nurtures success. With over 35 degree and certificate programs, we offer small classes, individualized attention, and many diverse programs.

  • Fulton Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce

    The Fulton Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce is an association comprised of businesses, their employees and community individuals who are committed to our mission of improving the region’s business climate, economy and quality of life.  With close to 1,000 members strong, the Chamber is the leading voice of business in the region providing advocacy, resources and solutions for our members.

  • Montgomery County Tourism

    Montgomery County is proud of its place in history and has preserved abundant collections of cultural and natural artifacts and historic sites. Explore the timeline of Montgomery County history spanning the centuries from Native American dominance through the French & Indian and Revolutionary Wars to the Industrial Revolution and the rise of the Erie Canal.

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