2025 – Art of NY: Annual Juried Art Show
Artists living in New York State are invited to submit entries to the Art of New York: Annual Juried Art Show hosted by the Arkell Museum & Canajoharie Library.
Application deadline for the the Art of New York: Annual Juried Art Show is April 9, 2025. Accepted works are on display from May 9 through July 20, 2025, in the Regional Art Galleries of the Arkell Museum and Canajoharie Library.
2025 Juror: Sarah Simpson
Sarah Simpson has been the Gallery Director at SUNY Oneonta since 2021 and has continued the long tradition of bringing boundary-pushing, creative, and diverse works of art to the Galleries at SUNY Oneonta. Through student open calls and the annual Juried Student Show, she is proud to provide students with opportunities to show their work in a professional setting. Sarah Simpson has an M.A. in History of Art from University College London (UCL) in London, England, and a B.A in Archaeology and Art History from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. She has worked in the contemporary art world in a variety of positions including as a curator, writer, marketer, publicist, and gallery manager and comes to Oneonta from Brooklyn, NY
Eligibility: Artists living in New York State may enter.
Accepted artists and a guest will be granted a one time free admission to the Arkell Museum – valid during the length of exhibition. All artists juried into the show are eligible for consideration for solo Regional Art Gallery exhibitions.
- Best in Show – $300 cash prize, a $100 gift card from Golden Artist Colors and a solo exhibit in one of the Regional Art Galleries
- Two Juror’s Choice awards – $100 cash plus a $100 gift card from Blick Art Materials
- Two Awards of Excellence – a $100 gift card from Blick Art Materials
For application and detailed information please visit the Arkell Museum website and download the PDF. Payments can be made via the website’s PayPal link or checks made out to the Arkell Museum can be sent to 2 Erie Blvd. Canajoharie, NY 13317.
Completed applications can be emailed to ArtofNY@ArkellMuseum.org or mailed to Arkell Museum at 2 Erie Blvd. Canajoharie, NY 13317.