Tag Archive for: Cornell Cooperative Extension

Cornell Cooperative Extension: Programs coming in October and November

Cornell Cooperative Extension is offering a Feeders School Program in October and Technical Large Animal Emergency Program in November.

Cornell Cooperative Extension Veggie Van

Launch of the Veggie Van program: Increasing Food Access and Supporting Local Farmers

Cornell Cooperative Extension Herkimer County is thrilled to announce the launch of the Veggie Van, a mobile farmers’ market.

Cornell Cooperative Extension 0f Oneida County

Notice of Organizational Meeting of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oneida County

The Board of Directors for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oneida County will hold its Annual Organizational Meeting on January 25, 2024 at 6:00PM.

Tag Archive for: Cornell Cooperative Extension

To Keep or Not To Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations Webinar Series

Whether or not to keep a dairy animal is a multi-faceted decision. Each week of this webinar series experts will address the different considerations in making that decision. Webinars are held at noon on Tuesdays from January 21 to March 4, 2025.

Registration online at https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3V8B_M-eTUam2K9603Vj6Q#/registration. The webinar series is free due to the generosity of the sponsors.

  • January 21 | Longevity Dr. Kailtyn Briggs, DVM, MBA, One Health, fairlife
  • January 28 | Economics and Data for Culling Dr. Miel Hosten, Cornell University
  • February 4 | Transport Issues for Calves Dr. Catie Cramer, Colorado State University
  • February 11 | Calf and Heifer Welfare at Culling Margaret Quaassdorff, M.S., Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • February 18 | Cow Welfare at Culling Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association and Lindsay Ferlito, M.S., Cornell PRO-DAIRY
  • February 25 | Managing Euthanasia Dr. Jennifer Walker, Veterinarian, Kinder Ground and Dr. Kaitlyn Lutz, Veterinarian, CCE Dairy Management Specialist
  • March 4 | Maximizing Harvest Value Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association

Untangling Land Rental Rates, Ag Districts and Leasing Considerations

January 29 at 5:30 pm hosted online by CCE’s Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Program and CCE Broome County.

Information that will be covered includes:

  • negotiating, designing, and delivering a land lease
  • determining fair land rental prices
  • considering Ag Value Assessment and Ag Districting implications
  • addressing questions and concerns from participants

The presenter, Katelyn Walley, has over 10 years of experience working with both farmers and land owners on these complicated topics and will share best management practices that can be implemented for successful rental situations. “Every week I receive multiple phone calls asking about land rental rates, how to lease land, and how to apply for the ag value assessment,” says Walley. “This webinar will cover a lot of information in a plain language, easy to understand way that’ll be less overwhelming than your typical internet search.”

For more information, or to register, visit https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkfuivqzwtH93ZlW3k-qmMcSjWOB5sj-eX#/registration or contact CCE-Broome’s Ag & Food Systems Program Coordinator, Jaime Welch by jjw288@cornell.edu or call 607-584-5023.

To Keep or Not To Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations Webinar Series

Whether or not to keep a dairy animal is a multi-faceted decision. Each week of this webinar series experts will address the different considerations in making that decision. Webinars are held at noon on Tuesdays from January 21 to March 4, 2025.

Registration online at https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3V8B_M-eTUam2K9603Vj6Q#/registration. The webinar series is free due to the generosity of the sponsors.

  • January 21 | Longevity Dr. Kailtyn Briggs, DVM, MBA, One Health, fairlife
  • January 28 | Economics and Data for Culling Dr. Miel Hosten, Cornell University
  • February 4 | Transport Issues for Calves Dr. Catie Cramer, Colorado State University
  • February 11 | Calf and Heifer Welfare at Culling Margaret Quaassdorff, M.S., Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • February 18 | Cow Welfare at Culling Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association and Lindsay Ferlito, M.S., Cornell PRO-DAIRY
  • February 25 | Managing Euthanasia Dr. Jennifer Walker, Veterinarian, Kinder Ground and Dr. Kaitlyn Lutz, Veterinarian, CCE Dairy Management Specialist
  • March 4 | Maximizing Harvest Value Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association

To Keep or Not To Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations Webinar Series

Whether or not to keep a dairy animal is a multi-faceted decision. Each week of this webinar series experts will address the different considerations in making that decision. Webinars are held at noon on Tuesdays from January 21 to March 4, 2025.

Registration online at https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3V8B_M-eTUam2K9603Vj6Q#/registration. The webinar series is free due to the generosity of the sponsors.

  • January 21 | Longevity Dr. Kailtyn Briggs, DVM, MBA, One Health, fairlife
  • January 28 | Economics and Data for Culling Dr. Miel Hosten, Cornell University
  • February 4 | Transport Issues for Calves Dr. Catie Cramer, Colorado State University
  • February 11 | Calf and Heifer Welfare at Culling Margaret Quaassdorff, M.S., Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • February 18 | Cow Welfare at Culling Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association and Lindsay Ferlito, M.S., Cornell PRO-DAIRY
  • February 25 | Managing Euthanasia Dr. Jennifer Walker, Veterinarian, Kinder Ground and Dr. Kaitlyn Lutz, Veterinarian, CCE Dairy Management Specialist
  • March 4 | Maximizing Harvest Value Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association

To Keep or Not To Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations Webinar Series

Whether or not to keep a dairy animal is a multi-faceted decision. Each week of this webinar series experts will address the different considerations in making that decision. Webinars are held at noon on Tuesdays from January 21 to March 4, 2025.

Registration online at https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3V8B_M-eTUam2K9603Vj6Q#/registration. The webinar series is free due to the generosity of the sponsors.

  • January 21 | Longevity Dr. Kailtyn Briggs, DVM, MBA, One Health, fairlife
  • January 28 | Economics and Data for Culling Dr. Miel Hosten, Cornell University
  • February 4 | Transport Issues for Calves Dr. Catie Cramer, Colorado State University
  • February 11 | Calf and Heifer Welfare at Culling Margaret Quaassdorff, M.S., Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • February 18 | Cow Welfare at Culling Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association and Lindsay Ferlito, M.S., Cornell PRO-DAIRY
  • February 25 | Managing Euthanasia Dr. Jennifer Walker, Veterinarian, Kinder Ground and Dr. Kaitlyn Lutz, Veterinarian, CCE Dairy Management Specialist
  • March 4 | Maximizing Harvest Value Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association

To Keep or Not To Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations Webinar Series

Whether or not to keep a dairy animal is a multi-faceted decision. Each week of this webinar series experts will address the different considerations in making that decision. Webinars are held at noon on Tuesdays from January 21 to March 4, 2025.

Registration online at https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3V8B_M-eTUam2K9603Vj6Q#/registration. The webinar series is free due to the generosity of the sponsors.

  • January 21 | Longevity Dr. Kailtyn Briggs, DVM, MBA, One Health, fairlife
  • January 28 | Economics and Data for Culling Dr. Miel Hosten, Cornell University
  • February 4 | Transport Issues for Calves Dr. Catie Cramer, Colorado State University
  • February 11 | Calf and Heifer Welfare at Culling Margaret Quaassdorff, M.S., Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • February 18 | Cow Welfare at Culling Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association and Lindsay Ferlito, M.S., Cornell PRO-DAIRY
  • February 25 | Managing Euthanasia Dr. Jennifer Walker, Veterinarian, Kinder Ground and Dr. Kaitlyn Lutz, Veterinarian, CCE Dairy Management Specialist
  • March 4 | Maximizing Harvest Value Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association

Grain Bin Quality & Safety: Best Practices for Grain Bin Management

Don’t Become a Statistic: Grain Bin Safety Workshop

  • Valuable insights and practical tips from Cargill and NYCAMH experts
  • Supply chain food safety
  • Mycotoxins and IPM grain storage strategies
  • Grain bin safety and health procedures
  • Grain bin maintenance
  • Visit a grain bin facility *Dress for weather

Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 10:00am – 3:00pm at CCE Lewis, 7395 East Road, Lowville, NY 13367.
Phone: (315) 376-5270.

To Keep or Not To Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations Webinar Series

Whether or not to keep a dairy animal is a multi-faceted decision. Each week of this webinar series experts will address the different considerations in making that decision. Webinars are held at noon on Tuesdays from January 21 to March 4, 2025.

Registration online at https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3V8B_M-eTUam2K9603Vj6Q#/registration. The webinar series is free due to the generosity of the sponsors.

  • January 21 | Longevity Dr. Kailtyn Briggs, DVM, MBA, One Health, fairlife
  • January 28 | Economics and Data for Culling Dr. Miel Hosten, Cornell University
  • February 4 | Transport Issues for Calves Dr. Catie Cramer, Colorado State University
  • February 11 | Calf and Heifer Welfare at Culling Margaret Quaassdorff, M.S., Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • February 18 | Cow Welfare at Culling Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association and Lindsay Ferlito, M.S., Cornell PRO-DAIRY
  • February 25 | Managing Euthanasia Dr. Jennifer Walker, Veterinarian, Kinder Ground and Dr. Kaitlyn Lutz, Veterinarian, CCE Dairy Management Specialist
  • March 4 | Maximizing Harvest Value Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association

To Keep or Not To Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations Webinar Series

Whether or not to keep a dairy animal is a multi-faceted decision. Each week of this webinar series experts will address the different considerations in making that decision. Webinars are held at noon on Tuesdays from January 21 to March 4, 2025.

Registration online at https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3V8B_M-eTUam2K9603Vj6Q#/registration. The webinar series is free due to the generosity of the sponsors.

  • January 21 | Longevity Dr. Kailtyn Briggs, DVM, MBA, One Health, fairlife
  • January 28 | Economics and Data for Culling Dr. Miel Hosten, Cornell University
  • February 4 | Transport Issues for Calves Dr. Catie Cramer, Colorado State University
  • February 11 | Calf and Heifer Welfare at Culling Margaret Quaassdorff, M.S., Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • February 18 | Cow Welfare at Culling Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association and Lindsay Ferlito, M.S., Cornell PRO-DAIRY
  • February 25 | Managing Euthanasia Dr. Jennifer Walker, Veterinarian, Kinder Ground and Dr. Kaitlyn Lutz, Veterinarian, CCE Dairy Management Specialist
  • March 4 | Maximizing Harvest Value Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association

To Keep or Not To Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations Webinar Series

Whether or not to keep a dairy animal is a multi-faceted decision. Each week of this webinar series experts will address the different considerations in making that decision. Webinars are held at noon on Tuesdays from January 21 to March 4, 2025.

Registration online at https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3V8B_M-eTUam2K9603Vj6Q#/registration. The webinar series is free due to the generosity of the sponsors.

  • January 21 | Longevity Dr. Kailtyn Briggs, DVM, MBA, One Health, fairlife
  • January 28 | Economics and Data for Culling Dr. Miel Hosten, Cornell University
  • February 4 | Transport Issues for Calves Dr. Catie Cramer, Colorado State University
  • February 11 | Calf and Heifer Welfare at Culling Margaret Quaassdorff, M.S., Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • February 18 | Cow Welfare at Culling Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association and Lindsay Ferlito, M.S., Cornell PRO-DAIRY
  • February 25 | Managing Euthanasia Dr. Jennifer Walker, Veterinarian, Kinder Ground and Dr. Kaitlyn Lutz, Veterinarian, CCE Dairy Management Specialist
  • March 4 | Maximizing Harvest Value Dr. Julia Herman, Veterinarian, National Beef Cattle Association