Herkimer Announces Third Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Local Planning Committee Meeting
Herkimer, NY – The Village of Herkimer will hold its third Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Local Planning Committee (LPC) meeting on Thursday, July 18th, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
The meeting is open to the public and will take place at Herkimer College in Conference Room CC 282/283. The meeting will include discussions about the DRI project selection process, draft DRI strategies, and will present submissions received through the Open Call for Projects.
The Village of Herkimer was named the Round 7 DRI winner for the Mohawk Valley in February 2023.
The Village will receive $10 million in funding from New York State Governor Kathy Hochul to develop and implement a Strategic Investment Plan for the DRI Area. An LPC with representatives of local businesses, institutions, and community groups will lead the development of the SIP, supported by a team of experts. The committee is co-chaired by Dana Sherry, Mayor of the Village of Herkimer and Dr. Renee Scialdo Shevat, member of the Mohawk Valley Regional Economic Development Council.
“Through the Downtown Revitalization Initiative and NY Forward, we are helping communities transform their downtowns and enact visions of hope that would otherwise be impossible,” Governor Hochul said at the time of the award. “This funding will support Herkimer…to enhance the quality of life for New Yorkers… draw visitors, and spur economic opportunity for generations to come.”
The third LPC meeting will continue the process of developing the Herkimer Strategic Investment Plan.
The Plan will examine local assets and opportunities, articulate a community vision for revitalization, and identify a list of signature projects that have the potential to transform the downtown. It will be developed through a bottom-up, community-based planning process over the next several months, with regular opportunities for public input. The community was invited to submit their project proposals through an Open Call for Projects between May 6th and June 17th. Following an in-depth review process, the LPC will select a Herkimer Downtown Revitalization Initiative slate of recommended projects to include in the final Plan. The Department of State will evaluate the projects outlined in the Plan and then choose which ones will receive DRI funding.
For any questions regarding meeting accessibility, the LPC, or DRI, please contact New York State Department of State (DOS) Project Manager Stefan Lutter at Stefan.Lutter@dos.ny.gov.
About the Downtown Revitalization Initiative
The Downtown Revitalization Initiative was created in 2016 to accelerate and expand the revitalization of downtowns and neighborhoods in all ten regions of the state to serve as centers of activity and catalysts for investment. Led by the Department of State with assistance from Empire State Development, Homes and Community Renewal and NYSERDA, the DRI represents an unprecedented and innovative “plan-then-act” strategy that couples strategic planning with immediate implementation and results in compact, walkable downtowns that are a key ingredient to helping New York State rebuild its economy from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to achieving the State’s bold climate goals by promoting the use of public transit and reducing dependence on private vehicles.
In the first six years of the program, the state committed $700 million investing in 69 downtowns ripe for revitalization and that have the potential to become magnets for redevelopment, business, job creation, greater economic and housing diversity and opportunity. Participating communities are nominated by the state’s 10 Regional Economic Development Councils based on the downtown’s potential for transformation. Each community is awarded $10 million to develop a downtown strategic investment plan and implement key catalytic projects that advance the community’s vision for revitalization and leverage additional private and public investments. More information on the DRI is available here.