Jim’s 30-Day Challenge

Get Out! Outside, that is.

Join Jim for a walk in the woods. Check out the uphill climb along with the maple grove, area invasive species, game tracks and more.

Whether you have land around your home, or frequent the many nature trails in the area, put on your outdoorsy hat and see what you can find out and about in the Mohawk Valley.

Our Mohawk Valley Flora

Disclaimer: This is information we found on plants in our own local area. Any plants you find should be researched for your specific area.

CAUTION: Berries are toxic to humans and can cause stomach pains. Take caution with pets.

Lonicera morrowii

Also known as Bush honeysuckle

Where we are on the south side of the Mohawk River, this invasive species is considered a weed and was first introduced in Massachusetts in the 1860s from Japan. Morrow’s Honeysuckle grows  in full sun to partial shade. We found it in moist, well-drained soil along a well-worn hillside path. It’s berries are toxic (which may explain why so many berries available).

This honeysuckle shrub’s can grow 6-15 feet tall with fragrant white flowers in from May to June that attract bees and butterflies.

The New York Invasive Species Information website states, “One way to distinguish between native and invasive honeysuckles is by looking at the stems – native honeysuckles have solid stems while invasive honeysuckles have hollow stems.”

Visit the New York Invasive Species Information website for more information on this invasive species.

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