Mohawk Valley Today’s Farms and Agricultural Program
The Mohawk Valley’s rich farming history goes back to the early 1700s. Maria Müller, 1722 Burnetsfield patentee wrote in July 1749, “our soil is fertile and everything grows. I have 100 acres from the crown and bought another 100 acres.”
Today, generational farms, as well as new farms, call the Mohawk Valley home and offer the best locally grown produce at on-site farm stands and farm stores, as well as area farmers’ markets.
At Mohawk Valley Today, we love the farms and producers that do so much each and every day to provide fresh, locally grown produce to communities throughout our six-county region. We work hard to increase awareness and visibility of local farms, agricultural programs and services, agritourism, along with farm-to-table initiatives. With over 20,000 unique visitors to our website in August alone, we want to spread the word about our local producers and the fresh food that’s available direct to consumers.
Mohawk Valley Today Featured Farms
It might be hard to believe, but if you live in one of the six counties that make up the Mohawk Valley you are very likely to have a local farm store within a 10-15 minute drive from your home – probably more than one! There are few places in the country that offer such easy and abundant access to direct to consumer farm-fresh produce, meats, and dairy products, right in your neighborhood!
We work hard to inform the public about what is available, how to access it, and where. Each Monday, we highlight a Mohawk Valley farm and share what they do, where they are located, and how we can obtain their fresh produce. Featured farms share their stories, photos, along with their farm stands and farm stores.
In every county, in most communities, farms offer residents and visitors opportunities to shop local for fruit, vegetables, along with a variety of humanely raised beef, pork, chicken, and other meats.
Mohawk Valley Farms page
We’ve put together a Featured Mohawk Valley Farms page dedicated to highlighting and featuring unique information about each farm, their specials, and how customers can find the farms to purchase their products on our interactive map. All of our featured farms are also included in a directory to help folks find other farms in the area.
Some recent featured farms include Bowterra Farm, Timmerman Farm, Lyons Family Homestead, and Sleepy Bear, LLC. Farmers and farm patrons that would like to see their farm featured on Mohawk Valley Today can contact us year round.
Mohawk Valley Farmers’ Markets
Another easy way for local residents and visitors to the Mohawk Valley to access locally produced meats, dairy, and produce are at the many farmers’ markets located throughout the region. We support local farmers’ markets and do what we can to make it easy for residents to know when and where to find their local farmers’ market through our Farmers Market page and event calendar. Both of these pages list dates, times, locations, and unique market details of Mohawk Valley Farmers Markets. New farmers’ markets are encouraged to send us their details so we can add them to our site.
Mohawk Valley Today Farmers’ Markets page
This helpful and easy-to-access resource makes it convenient for you to find your local farmers’ market. You can also add the Farmers’ Markets schedule directly to your calendar on your phone for instant access to farmers’ market information wherever you are.
We continue to add markets as we become aware of them and receive information from the organizers. If you know of a local farmers market, or you are an organizer of a local farmers’ market, that we do not have on our calendar, please contact us and we’ll get that market added to Mohawk Valley Today!
Supporting Agritourism
We love to promote and highlight the unique Mohawk Valley agritourism events that happen throughout the year. Agritourism events include on-farm classes and experiences, organized farm visits, school field trips and tours, events and local festivals. These farm and agriculture awareness and educational events help to educate and bring the public closer to local food sources, helps build relationships between consumers and producers, and even helps ensure successful local farms in the region into the future. Some examples of the Farm to Table Tour, Family Farm Day, and Mohawk Valley Garlic and Herb Festival.
Share your farms, farmers’ markets and farm events
If you are a local farm, an farmers’ market organizer, or if you have upcoming or annual agriculture events, please contact us and we’ll be sure to add your information to our calendar and farms pages.
Who we are
Mohawk Valley Today is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit regional hub for residents, municipalities, farmers and producers, not-for-profit organizations, and visitors, to learn more about the history, and share information about the programs, services, and events available throughout the Mohawk Valley region.