City of Amsterdam NY presents
Operation BUNDLE UP
City of Amsterdam presents Operation Bundle Up
Part of what makes the Mohawk Valley such a great place to live, work and play are the wonderful organizations working hard every day doing good things for people in their communities!
Today we want to give a special shout out to the City of Amsterdam and all their wonderful sponsors for their upcoming Operation Bundle Up! Together they are ensuring children in the community who need one will have a warm coat this winter. Operation Bundle Up is presented by the City of Amsterdam and will take place on Saturday November 5th, 2022 at the Veterans Park Parking Lot beginning at 9:00am – while supplies last.
This event is possible through the compassion and generosity of the sponsors! it is organizations like these who give back and great community partners…We can’t thank MVP Health Care, St. Mary’s Healthcare, Amsterdam and United Way enough!
You can find all the details you’ll need to know at this link: Operation Bundle Up