It’s time for the 2024 Tree and Shrub Program!
Soil and Water Conservation Districts in counties throughout the Mohawk Valley participate in the annual Tree and Shrub Program.
I don’t know about you, but we love this program! Every year, we check out the trees, shrubs, and other items that help us in our yard to find out what’s available and new. Filling out the form is super easy and we really look forward to spring when we can pick up what we ordered. We’ve had such great luck with the low-cost trees and shrubs offered that help with environmental conservation. There’s plenty available with seeds, bare root seedlings, transplants, deciduous trees, bushes and shrubs to choose from.
We love the fruit bearing options include high bush blueberries, dwarf apple trees and American elderberry shrubs.
Also while supplies last, native wildflower seed packets, and planting accessories, nesting boxes, and straw are available to the public to help restore natural habitat and conserve our land’s resources.
Be sure to check your county’s participation in the program using the list below.
According to the New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee, their goals include,

Blueberry shrubs from the annual Tree and Shrub Program. Photo by Mohawk Valley Today.
Establish policy to guide New York’s 58 County Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and provide financial, technical, and educational support to assist them in developing and implementing programs.
Play a critical role advancing nonpoint source pollution prevention efforts and ecosystem management services.
Formalize consistency of environmental programs through cooperative agreements with local, state, and federal agencies and organizations.
Lead the state’s agricultural pollution control and resiliency programs, including the administration of Environmental Protection Funds for the Agricultural Nonpoint Source Abatement and Control Grants and the Climate Resilient Farming Program.
Plan, coordinate, and set policy for New York’s Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) framework involving over one-third of New York’s 33,000 farms across all agricultural counties statewide.
Assist the Department of Environmental Conservation with implementation of regulations for New York’s larger livestock farms and Phase II Stormwater Permits.
Serve as an information and idea exchange between member agencies and groups and advise all agencies of government on matters relating to soil and water conservation.
County Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Or view a New York State interactive map for Soil and Water Conservation Districts outside of our area.