The fundraiser supports the ongoing preservation and restoration of one their main buildings.
The Mohawk community of Kanatsiohareke invites you to support our restoration and site preparation work as we return to on-site programs and events, after two years of closure due to the pandemic.
This hybrid Fall Festival will feature Vendors and Artists who have long contributed to make our festivals a success each year. This group will host a virtual vendor tabling event, silent auction, and stories and teachings by the people who make up and support our community.
This online event will run from November 1 to 13, 2022, with an online silent auction and videos Nov 7-13.
The live fundraising event on November 13, will feature Tom Porter, Joe and Jesse Bruchac, Kay Olan, The Jimmy Wolf Band, Perry Ground and others.
You can find our more information, details, and how to participate and support this fundraiser at Mohawk Valley Museums Events.
The Kanatsiohareke Mission
To promote the development of a community based on the traditions, philosophy, and governance of the Haudenosaunee, and to contribute to the preservation of the culture of people as a framework for a blend of traditional native concerns with the best of the emerging new earth friendly, environmental ideologies that run parallel to these traditions.