Recently attended press conference by Herkimer Next held at the ARC Plaza in Ilion NY. Left to right: Russell Clark, Board President, Chris Cochran, Director, Michele Hummel, Executive Director, Heather Devitt, Director, Miriam Curry, Director, Tony Vennera,Director.

What’s next for Herkimer County?

Our Vision is to make Herkimer County better

Michelle Hummel, Executive Director, welcomed guests and introduced Board president, Russell Clark. Clark outlined the history of the organization and the heartfelt vision of the organization to make Herkimer County better.

“We hope in some small way, Herkimer County Next can help make a small impact to make Herkimer county better.”

Hummel outlined that the impetus to form the organization came out of community meetings held by the Village of Herkimer in 2022. This is where the current board members met, began collaborating, and grew to respect each other. Once the project was completed they knew there was more they could do together.

The sense of collaboration and unity felt during their time together as well as seeing other community members ready, willing and capable to make their community better, was the driving force to bring about a new organization.

The organization they envision would be outside of the government and designed to bring both the municipalities and the local nonprofits together to help them reach their goals.

Hummel stated, “For us it is clear, we needed a formal organization that is outside of government, to address gaps and challenges. An organization that can work in full collaboration and alignment with municipalities and nonprofits. An organization with no hidden agenda and focused solely on helping make things better for these communities.”

Herkimer Next is now – next.

Next represents Herkimer County as a whole. Part of the reason for the name change was because we did not want people to think we only focus on the village of Herkimer. The focus is on all communities within the county.

“The work ahead will be connecting the dots between the North Country and the Southern Tier, and making sure all points in between are communicating. We want to make Herkimer County the best place to work, grow, live and play,” Hummel explained

Next has secured new office space and beginning September 1, 2022, the organization will be located at 37 Central Plaza, suite B, in Ilion.

To learn more about how Next can help your organization or municipality reach your goals please visit

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