Fulton County Center for Regional Growth to Honor “Leap of Kindness Day” with Collection Drive for Local Animal Shelters
GLOVERSVILLE – The Fulton County Center for Regional Growth (CRG) is participating in the “Leap of Kindness Day” movement by hosting a collection drive for the local animal shelters. “Leap of Kindness Day” is dedicated to inspiring the community to use their extra Leap Year Day to do something kind for someone else.
“We are leading by example. By giving back to the community, businesses and economic development leaders are taking an active role to help make our area a better place. Successful businesses and organizations help communities thrive and in turn, thriving communities support their businesses,” said Ron Peters, President and CEO of CRG.
The event began with Saratoga Chamber of Commerce in 2016 and in 2020, an estimated 150 chambers participated. This year, CRG is joining the effort locally by hosting a collection box for the local animal shelters, Fulton County Regional SPCA and James A. Brennan Human Society. A collection box will be in the lobby of CRG, 34 W. Fulton St., Gloversville, from now until the morning of Feb. 29, when the items will be delivered to the two animal shelters. Drop off hours to 34 W. Fulton St., are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in February.
Items being collected include: stainless steel water buckets and dishes; benebones, dentastix, and greenie dog chews – especially large and giant sizes; high-efficiency laundry detergent (unscented/free and clear is best); dryer sheets (unscented); bleach; paper towels; toilet paper; large, clear plastic totes with lids; clear cereal containers for treats; cat litter; dry kitten food; canned cat food; Purina dry dog and puppy food; anti-bacterial dish detergent; disinfectant floor cleaner (Pinesol); toys and treats for cats and dogs.
Any questions about the donations, times, and/or drop off location should be directed to Jennifer Donovan, Gloversville Downtown Development Specialist at CRG at (518) 725-7700 ext. 4 or by email at JennD@fccrg.org.

CRG to Honor “Leap of Kindness Day” with Collection Drive for Local Animal Shelters