Mohawk Valley Gives update!
Mohawk Valley Gives 2023 campaign saw an unprecedented surge in community participation.
Held on September 20th, this annual giving event brought together individuals, businesses, and organizations, all united by a shared commitment to supporting the Mohawk Valley community.
With an impressive turnout of over 6,127 (and counting) donors giving to 255 organizations, the event showcased the remarkable generosity and solidarity that characterizes this close-knit region. Donors rallied behind a wide range of causes, spanning from education and healthcare to environmental conservation and social justice initiatives. This diverse span of interests reflected the needs and aspirations of the Mohawk Valley community.
The impact of this year’s giving event was felt far and wide, as it raised $1,993,725 million in contributions– which are still coming in! This substantial sum will undoubtedly serve our region with positive change as it funds influential projects and programs that will bolster the quality of life for residents across the Mohawk Valley.
Fantastic online campaign!
The success of Mohawk Valley Gives 2023 can be attributed to effective outreach efforts and a great online platform that facilitated seamless and secure donations. Additionally, the enthusiastic participation of local businesses and corporations played a pivotal role in driving this year’s success. Beyond the impressive financial results, Mohawk Valley Gives continues to reflect the shared purpose felt throughout local communities. It provides a platform for solid connections, enabling individuals to learn about and engage with the various organizations that work to make a positive impact in our region.
As the donations continue to pour in, there is a palpable sense of accomplishment and optimism in the air! Mohawk Valley Gives not only surpassed last year’s giving but also set a new standard for community-driven philanthropy, leaving a lasting legacy of compassion and support for years to come.